Project Eda LightnerPrivacy & Terms of Service

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The website’s server does automatically keep logs of collected information such as your IP address, but it doesn’t record personal information.

Terms of Service

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By using this website and the content and services provided by, you agree to these Terms of Service. If you do not agree, please stop using this website.

  1. You agree to acknowledge that all of the content on this website,, including text, audio, music, artwork, and images, is copyrighted with all rights reserved and cannot be republished, reproduced, modified, adapted, or copied, for profit or non-profit, without explicit written permission, unless otherwise specifically stated.
  2. You agree not to copy images and post them on your blog or website without permission.
  3. Please do not hotlink images and files. Hotlinking, also known as inline linking, is posting a direct link to an image or file hosted at instead of linking to an HTML web page. If you want to use an image or file from, please ask permission. reserves the right to deny permission to use content.
  4. The general content found on is intended for people ages 16 and up, and is not suitable for younger children. If you are 15 and under, you must get permission from your parent or legal guardian before using this site. As the privacy of children is very important, will not knowingly accept any personal information of children ages 15 and under. reserves the right to change any and all of the content of this website without notice, to shut down the website, and to charge for access to site content and services. However, we will announce any changes to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer.

Disclaimer is for entertainment purposes only. cannot guarantee the accuracy of any claims stated on this website, especially in regards to the fictional works.

All characters and events that appear in Matthew James Gambill's works on this site are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, groups or organizations, or actual events are coincidental. is not responsible for any damage, physical or psychological, that may occur to you, your computer and devices, your property, and/or your acquaintances, while using this website. does not claim endorsement by any services that it uses or appears with, nor does it necessarily endorse any websites that link to

Policies Updated January 2, 2022